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Brinkhaus Price Increase IMMINENT March 10th. Please order now to Hold 2024 Prices
The Climasoft Oultast® Mattress Pad by Brinkhaus
A most fabulous technology, developed for Nasa, and what a breakthrough this is!!!
Outlast® products actually absorb warmth to stop you from overheating in bed and then release it again to stop you from cooling down too much. Something from science fiction? Well yes, Outlast® was developed for NASA
Using Outlast® technology, this mattress pad utilizes phase change materials (PCM) that absorb, store and release heat for optimum thermal comfort.
This mattress pad proactively manages heat and moisture to give a better, more comfortable nights sleep.
Cover fabric
100% Long staple Egyptian cotton cambric 192 thread count, with a special Outlast® coated PP-nonwoven interliner under the upper side
Easyfill (100% Polyester hollow fibre)
Quilted, equipped with corner straps.
As well as providing natural heat and moisture control the pad will add additional softness and comfort to an ageing or hard mattress.
Product Sizes and Details
Single mattress pad 90/190cm 340gr fill weight 51749 art no
Double mattress pad 140/190cm 530gr fill weight 59750 art no
King Size mattress pad 150/200cm 600gr fill weight 51751 art no
Extra King mattress pad 160/200cm 640gr fill weight 51752 art no
Super King mattress pad 180/200cm 720gr fill weight 51753 art no
Futher Information about Outlast®
Climasoft Outlast® offers a perfect temperature balance thanks to NASA high tech certified space technology.
Textiles that use this patented Outlast® technology have an additional benefit in that temperature is intelligently, dynamically and proactively regulated. Outlast® technology makes use of Phase Change Material (PCM) which can absorb and store heat then release it again so that optimum moisture and temperature management can be achieved. Outlast® Phase Change Materials are encapsulated, permanently enclosed within a protective polymer case. These encapsulated Phase Change Materials are known as Thermocules™.
The Benefits
Not too warm, not too cold, "just right"
Temperature-regulating Outlast® materials adapt to the skin's microclimate, offering increased comfort with this proactive climate management. When temperature can be regulated, moisture balance can be controlled, leaving you feeling "just right" - all now possible thanks to Outlast®
How it Works
1. Your skin is constantly being influenced from the outside, altering the microclimate.
2. Surplus warmth is produced when you're too hot, normally leading to perspiration and a feeling of being uncomfortable.
3. This is where Outlast® technology helps. The surplus warmth is absorbed and stored by the patented Outlast® microcapsules.
If it gets colder, the stored warmth is released again to reheat your body.
The result is an even microclimate, leaving your skin feeling more comfortable.
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